Wednesday, September 7, 2011

LIving to Write or Writing to Live

This is what I did instead of write this past weekend.

I worked on my daughters’ quilt. The same one I’ve been working on since May. It might, might, be done by Christmas.

I heard once that you have to live in order to write. Ok, I get that. But my living consists of cooking, cleaning, and when piecing a tedious quilt is the most exciting thing that I do, well, how is that living exactly?

My sister writes it best.

What do you do to live? Or do you just write?


  1. Oh no. Living always comes before writing. I like to watch movies and TV with my family, go to the garden, and take road trips. Those all come before writing.

    Beautiful quilt!

  2. I try to balance my writing with my living. I have too many interests to write 24/7. Life throws enough drama for me to convey in my fiction.

    I hope you finish your quilt by Christmas, it's beautiful! :)

  3. Elana, Yes. Living before writing. I like that. I sometimes do that too well. It's easy for me to procrastinate.

    Jennifer, I wish I had your problem. I need to write more often...but maybe not 24/7. Sometimes quilting is easier. Once you get past the math part, it's pretty mindless work.

  4. *cries* Buuuut I don't have TIME.

    I go to classes, I have friends (who kidnap me and force me into love triangles), I have Teen Eyes, I have you guys, I have my internship, I have my own writing, I have swimming, annnnnnnnd I have family. And CrossFit. And cycling. And sometimes I go really crazy and eat. And, when I'm feeling up to it, I sleep.

    *cries again*

    So I guess living goes under the umbrella of friends. This month I've gone to a birthday party and attended the world's largest water balloon fight and gone to Bridesmaids with the swimmers. So I guess I'm not doing too bad.
